Founded in 1903, the American Political Science Association (APSA) is the leading professional organization for the study of political science and serves more than 11,000 members in more than 100 countries. With a range of programs and services for individuals, departments, and institutions, APSA brings together political scientists from all fields of inquiry, regions, and occupational endeavors within and outside academe to deepen our understanding of politics, democracy, and citizenship throughout the world. The Association promotes a lively, diverse community of scholars, teachers, students, and practitioners who bring wide-ranging interests, methodologies, and perspectives to the analysis and conduct of government and politics.
The Association disseminates information, facilitates collaboration among its members, publicizes research findings on important theoretical and political issues, and publishes a variety of materials relevant to the discipline. It enhances the capacity of political scientists to conduct research, improve teaching, develop professionally, and communicate their ideas within the discipline and to the wider public. The Association is also committed to transparency, open enquiry, scholarly pluralism, high standards of ethics and integrity, and a global perspective.
Journals: American Political Science Review; Perspectives on Politics; PS: Political Science & Politics; Journal of Political Science Education
Email Address: apsa@apsanet.org
Founded in 1997, the Great Plains Political Science Association encourages research and dissemination of political information, especially concerning the Great Plains region. It provides opportunities for the exchange of knowledge among persons interested in the topical areas of political science and in teaching and pedagogy. It also seeks to provide a platform for encouraging participation among those persons involved not only in political science, but in fields related to politics and government.
GPPSA is a volunteer organization operating without staff support or significant financial resources. Organization members participate in various functions of the organization, serving as officers, committee participants, and in the maintenance of its annual meeting and related activities. The GPPSA holds an annual conference each fall.
Email Address: gppsanet@gmail.com
The National Capital Area Political Science Association (NCAPSA) is the official political science association for the National Capital Area, including the District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and West Virginia. Its members include political scientists in universities, think tanks, government and other applied settings, and graduate students.
NCAPSA sponsors research workshops, panel discussions, and other events in the D.C. metropolitan area to foster connections and improve professional dialogue between all political scientists in the the Capital Area. In particular, NCAPSA seeks ways to build connections between academic and applied political scientists, as well as the general public, to further the interests of political scientists and improve our understanding of political processes.
The National Conference of Black Political Scientists (NCOBPS) is organized to study, enhance, and promote the political aspirations of people of African descent in the United States and throughout the world. It aims to contribute to the resolution of the many challenges that black people confront. Our organization promotes research in and critical analysis of topics usually overlooked and/or marginalized in political science scholarship. We believe that our scholarship must address wide-ranging “real world” issues and not the narrow, and often manufactured, concerns of the discipline.
NCOBPS has over 400 active members representing colleges, universities, non-profit organizations, government relations and political campaign firms, and local, national, and state public sector agencies. Our collective membership teaches an estimated 1,000 undergraduate and graduate courses per year, with an average class size of 20 students, which amounts to contact with about 20,000 students.
NCOPBS also has a long tradition of identifying, mentoring, and supporting students interested in political science, including areas of political communication, public policy and administration, public affairs, comparative politics, and international relations. We offer scholarships, fellowships, and research awards to undergraduate and graduate students, and provide many activities for students to network and collaborate with faculty and practitioners of political science.
Journal: National Review of Black Politics
Founded in 1949, the New England Political Science Association is the oldest regional political science organization in the Northeast. NEPSA seeks to facilitate the exchange of knowledge among persons interested in political science; to encourage research on political matters; to improve the teaching of political science; and to advance generally the practices and art of politics and governance.
NEPSA is a volunteer organization operating without staff support or significant financial resources. Political scientists volunteer their time to serve on its Council, organize its annual meeting and perform related activities. NEPSA holds an annual conference each spring.
Journal: New England Journal of Political Science
Email Address: newenglandpsa@gmail.com
The Northeastern Political Science Association (NPSA) is one the leading regional professional organizations in the United States for the study of politics. Every year, at its Annual Conference, NPSA brings together hundreds of political scientists from all fields of study and from all parts of the United States and the world for the purpose of enhancing and expanding their knowledge of politics.
Journal: Polity
The aim of our Pacific Northwest Political Science Association (PNWPSA) is to encourage the study and effective teaching of Political Science in the Pacific Northwest; to promote closer relations between academic political scientists and public officials, and to achieve greater utilization of political scientists as experts in the field of government.
Email Address: relgar@wsu.edu
The Southern Political Science Association is one of the oldest and largest political science organizations in the United States. Founded in 1929, its primary purposes are to publish a professional journal, to improve teaching, to promote interest and research in theoretical and practical political problems, to encourage communication and to develop standards of competence and respect between persons engaged in the professional study and practice of government and politics.
To support the above goals, the Association sponsors an Annual Conference and owns the Journal of Politics. The SPSA holds its Annual Conference in January of each year. It is one of the largest political science conferences in the United States presenting research in all major fields and subfields of political science.
The Journal of Politics, a leading general interest journal in political science, publishes theoretically innovative and methodologically diverse research in all subfields of the discipline including, but not limited to, American politics, comparative politics, formal theory, international relations, methodology, political theory, public administration and public policy. The conceptions of theory and method are both broad and encompassing, and welcomes contributions from scholars around the world.
Journal: Journal of Politics
Email Address: info@spsa.net
The Southwestern Political Science Association is an affiliate of the Southwestern Social Science Association (SSSA). The SSSA also has affiliates in economics, history, international affairs, sociology, social work, and a women’s caucus. The SSSA is the largest interdisciplinary professional organization in the social sciences, and accordingly has national stature and a national reputation. The journal of the Southwestern Political Science Association is the Social Science Quarterly.
Journal: Social Science Quarterly
Email Address: southwesternpsa@gmail.com
Founded in 1948, the Western Political Science Association is an association of more than 1250 political scientists. The WPSA is headquartered at Portland State University. The purpose of the Association is to promote the study and teaching of government and politics, to foster research and to facilitate the discussion of public affairs. The official region of the WPSA includes both the western states of the United States and the western provinces of Canada: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Texas, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, Alberta, British Columbia, and Saskatchewan. WPSA members reside primarily in the western region, but approximately one-third of our members come from outside the region.
The WPSA conducts an annual conference at sites which rotate throughout the region. Approximately 1,100 to 1,300 political scientists participate in these meetings which feature more than 250 panels and other special sessions on politics. The journals of the WPSA are Politics, Groups and Identities owned and published by the WPSA and the Political Research Quarterly, owned and published by the University of Utah. The Western is the WPSA’s biannual newsletter.
Journals: Political Research Quarterly; Politics, Groups, and Identities
Email Address: info@wpsanet.org
The Alabama Political Science Association (AlaPSA) developed out of a meeting of Alabama political scientists in 1972, and its first meeting occurred in 1973. AlaPSA celebrated its 40th Anniversary in the years 2012 and 2013, at both Auburn University and the University of Alabama. Meetings are held in late March or early April.
The mission and purposes of AlaPSA are:
- To encourage scientific investigation and research in the field of government, politics, and administration, with special reference to the state and local problems of Alabama;
- To encourage understanding of and improve instruction in political science and public administration;
- To develop collegial relations and cooperation among political scientists in Alabama and reach out to political scientists in the region;
- To establish and improve relations between political scientists and public officials;
- To facilitate a greater understanding of government and politics at all educational levels; and
- To uphold ethical standards and foster competence.
The association shall not take official stands on public policy issues nor assume a partisan position upon any question of practical politics, nor commit its members to any position thereupon.
The Arkansas Political Science Association (ArkPSA) is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, non-profit organization incorporated in the state of Arkansas. The Association’s membership includes university and secondary political science educators, graduate and undergraduate students, practitioners, and others interested in the scientific study of government and politics. The Association also publishes a refereed journal at least once each year – the Midsouth Political Science Review (MPSR).
The Arkansas Political Science Association was originally established at the University of Central Arkansas on March 1, 1974. Dr. Robert McChesney of the University of Central Arkansas was elected as the first president of the Association. President Daniel Grant’s (Ouachita Baptist University) speech, “Political Science in Arkansas: Problems and Opportunities”, was delivered during the inaugural meeting of the Association at UCA on March 1, 1974.
Journal: Midsouth Political Science Review
The Florida Political Science Association (FPSA) is committed to promoting political science research, education, and service throughout the state of Florida. Our board of officers represents the diverse educational opportunities available for higher education in Florida. From the University of West Florida in Pensacola to Florida International University and the University of Miami, our association spans the state bringing together political scientists at public and private institutions to network, to collaborate on research, and to discuss innovative strategies in the classroom.
Journal: Florida Political Chronicle
Founded in 1968, the Georgia Political Science Association is the professional association for political science practitioners and educators in Georgia. Membership is drawn from the public, private and academic sectors. We welcome members, attendees, participants, and students from around the world. The annual conference of the GPSA is held in November.
Journal: Questions in Politics
The Illinois Political Science Association (IPSA) seeks to represent the full range of fields and specializations in the political science discipline while providing a forum for Illinois political scientists to assemble to discuss their research and ideas on government, politics and policies.
We are passionate about providing a space for Illinois political scientists to connect with each other, and present and refine their research and ideas on government, politics and policies, through hosting an annual conference as well as publishing The Illinois Political Science Review.
Over the years, the IPSA also has embraced the value of interdisciplinary collaboration and communication, and to that end it has reached out to faculty and students from disciplines such as Sociology, Anthropology and History.
Journal: Illinois Political Science Review
Email Address: president@ipsanet.org
The Kentucky Political Science Association is the premiere organization for professional political scientists in Kentucky colleges and universities.
The purposes of the Kentucky Political Science Association are as follows:
- To advance knowledge and understanding of political science in Kentucky.
- To strengthen the political science profession in Kentucky and to improve communications among both teachers and practitioners in the profession.
- To sponsor an annual meeting of those interested in political science.
The Michigan Political Science Association (MIPSA)* is a nonpartisan state professional association of educators, scholars, students, and practitioners dedicated to advancing the systematic study of government, politics, and public policy. In support of this broad mission, the association seeks to
provide forums for the presentation of political science research;
promote excellence in teaching;
foster collaboration among researchers, educators, and practitioners; and
foster communication among political science faculties at all of Michigan’s institutions of higher education.
MIPSA seeks to advance all subfields, areas, and levels of study within political science. However, as a state organization, the association has special responsibilities to
promote the study of Michigan government, politics, and public policy;
promote the study of special concerns to Michigan, such as Great Lakes environmental policy, Canadian government and politics, and tribal government and politics; and
foster student research, both graduate and undergraduate.
MIPSA sponsors an annual conference each year in October on the campus of one of its member institutions. The association also grants paper awards for graduate and undergraduate students. A number of new initiatives are planned or in the process of being implemented.
*MIPSA was founded in 1969 as the Michigan Conference of Political Scientists. The organization changed its name to the Michigan Political Science Association in 2012.
Email Address: John.clark@wmich.edu
The Mississippi Political Science Association (MSPSA) is a regional association that encourages academic interaction on topics related to developments in the field of political science as well as political developments in local, state, national, and international governments. The MSPSA is a member of the Policy Studies Organization (http://ipsonet.org/), which publishes the Politics & Policy Journal.
The Mississippi Political Science Association (MSPSA) is committed to furthering the study of political science in community colleges, colleges, and universities in Mississippi and surrounding states. While the association encourages participation by faculty and graduate students, it particularly emphasizes undergraduate participation.
Email Address: sphillips@belhaven.edu
The New York State Political Science Association (NYSPSA) is dedicated to advancing the study of public institutions, political behavior and public policy. Our goal is to improve the quality of public deliberation and decision-making by fostering collaboration between scholars and practitioners. To that end, we hold an annual conference that along with our website, provides a venue to inform scholars and practitioners, while also promoting new research and recognizing excellence in the field.
Email Address: info@nyspsa.org
The mission of the North Carolina Political Science Association is to provide a forum for developing and learning about political science and all its sub-fields. To achieve this mission, we:
- Sponsor an annual statewide conference held each spring;
- Distribute a newsletter annually (in the spring);
- Coordinate contacts at all North Carolina institutions of higher learning.
Email Address: exec@ncpsa.net
The Ohio Association of Economists and Political Scientists (OAEPS) is an organization of economists and political scientists, as well as undergraduate and graduate students from across Ohio and surrounding states who work to produce and disseminate useful research on subjects related to Ohio’s economy and politics. Our activities include an annual conference and the publication of the Journal of Economics and Politics.
The OAEPS is a not-for-profit professional organization devoted to the understanding and dissemination of knowledge, and to the facilitation of dialogue regarding economics, political concepts, and events.
Journal: Journal of Economics and Politics
The Oklahoma Political Science Association (OPSA) is the professional organizations of Oklahoma political scientists and practitioners. Drawing on political scientists and practitioners from across the state, the OPSA brings together scholars from all fields of inquiry and occupational endeavors within and outside academe in order to expand understanding of politics and policies. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, your donation to the Oklahoma Political Science Association is tax deductible.
Journal: Oklahoma Politics
Email Address: info@oklahomapoliticalscience.com
Founded in 1939, the Pennsylvania Political Science Association (PPSA) is the nation’s oldest state political science association. Its mission has always been to promote scholarship, research, and the exchange of ideas within the Pennsylvania community of political scientists.
PPSA draws its membership principally from the political science and public administration faculties of Pennsylvania’s public and private colleges and universities but also includes government professionals and faculty members from surrounding states. PPSA’s annual conference includes dozens of panelists covering a wide variety of subject areas. While university faculty compose the vast majority of participants, legislators, legislative staff, executive officials, and undergraduates also have been participants.
Journal: Commonwealth: A Journal of Pennsylvania Politics and Policy
Email Address: holoviak@kutztown.edu
The South Carolina Political Science Association (SCPSA) is the state-wide professional association of political scientists. We hold an annual conference held every spring and are the organization behind the Journal of Political Science.
We are a collegial group that enjoys learning about one another’s research in order to improve our understanding of politics and the teaching of political science. Scholars of all subfields of political science – American politics, comparative politics, international relations, political theory, and public administration – participate in the SCPSA. Faculty, graduate students and undergraduates are welcome at our annual meetings. Graduate students gain an opportunity to improve their professional development skills in a friendly environment and undergraduates may compete for the Mary Jeanne Byrd Award for best undergraduate paper.
Email Address: mye@coastal.edu
The Canadian Political Science Association began its activities in 1912 and was incorporated under the Canada Corporation Act in 1971. The Association has a Board of Directors and an Executive Committee. Its administrative offices are located in Ottawa and it functions in Canada’s two official languages.
The objects of the Association are:
- To encourage and develop political science and its relationship with other disciplines;
- To hold conferences, meetings and exhibitions for the discussion of political science problems and the exchange of views in matters relating to political science;
- To purchase, acquire, take by gift, any devise, bequest, or donation for the objects of the Association;
- To give grants, scholarships or fellowships to deserving individuals or groups of persons in pursuance of the objects of the Association;
- To publish journals, newspapers, books and monographs relating to political science.
The Association as such, will not assume a position upon any question of public policy not directly related to the discipline of political science or commit its members to any position thereupon.
The main purpose of the CPSA is to facilitate and promote the study of politics and government in Canada. Through varied activities, it seeks to connect students, researchers, journalists, practitioners, teachers and all individuals interested in the discipline to one another and to international resources for the study of politics and government.
Journal: Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique
Email Address: cpsa-acsp@cpsa-acsp.ca
The Atlantic Provinces Political Science Association(APPSA) was founded in 1973 and held its first conference at St. Francis Xavier University in 1975. APPSA has met every year since, making it the longest running continuous regional political science association in Canada. Each year, a university in Atlantic Canada assumes the responsibility of organizing and hosting the annual conference.
Email Address: appsa2022@smu.ca
The association exists to provide a forum for Political Scientists in British Columbia, Canada to present and discuss research and to collaborate on matters pertaining to teaching and learning of political science in post-secondary institutions in BC.
Journal: The Canadian Political Science Review
Email Address: alex.netherton@viu.ca
The Prairie Political Science Association was formed in Saskatoon in June 2007, and incorporated in July 2012 by representatives from ten political science departments in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba, and with the support of colleagues from other regional political science associations in Canada.
The PPSA aims to foster the study of political science. Our goal is to showcase political science about the Prairies, as well as scholarship conducted by political scientists on the Prairies.
Our annual conference is held at the spectacular Banff Centre. There, members present and discuss their own research, as well as that of the wider political science community. Across the year, we provide a forum on academic, pedagogical, professional, and administrative matters of common concern to our members, and regional and national political science associations.
Email Address: PrairiePoliSci@gmail.com
The mission of the Société québécoise de science politique (SQSP) is to promote the advancement of French-language research and teaching in political science, and to support the dissemination of knowledge on political phenomena. The principles of respect, inclusion, openness to difference and dialogue guide all his steps. In this context, it values and encourages:
- Training the next generation of researchers and student initiatives;
- Contact, collaboration and dissemination of information between the members of the association;
- Diversity within the community of practice;
- Interdisciplinarity and multiplicity of approaches and methodologies;
- Public exchanges with citizens and actors concerned by the study of politics.
To implement its mission, the SQSP publishes the Revue Politique et Sociétés, and collaborates, with the Canadian Political Science Association (CPHA), in the publication of the Canadian Journal of Political Science. It also publishes a monthly newsletter on the activities of its members.
It offers its members a program of sponsorship of scientific activities as well as scholarships to promote the dissemination of their research. In order to encourage the scientific training of young researchers, the SQSP coordinates an annual student conference.
It participates in the activities of the International Political Science Association (IPSA) and the Network of Francophone Political Science Associations, which holds a biannual international congress.
It also organizes each year a major conference bringing together hundreds of Quebec, Canadian and international researchers during which prizes are awarded to highlight the excellence of the work of students, researchers and professors in political science.
Journal: Politique et Sociétés
Email Address: sqsp@uqam.ca
Founded in 1970, we are the leading European academic association with a mission to advance political science.
The European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) was established by a group of twelve founding European universities and as the result of a project led by eminent political scientists, Jean Blondel and Stein Rokkan, to…‘break down the barriers between the national traditions of the discipline and create a truly international community of scholars within Europe…’
With the help of a generous grant from the Ford Foundation, the ECPR quickly built a framework of membership and activities to meet this mission.
Fifty years on, we are the leading scholarly society for political scientists in Europe; we have over 300 institutional members in nearly 50 countries, which amounts to a global community of tens of thousands of scholars.
We fulfil our core mission to advance political science by:
- Delivering methodological and professional training and career development to PhD students and early career researchers;
- Providing forums for the development of research and the formation of networks;
- Issuing grants and funding opportunities to scholars;
- Steering a prestigious publishing programme that shares the newest research as widely as possible.
Journals: European Journal of International Relations; European Journal of Political Research; European Political Science Review; European Political Science
Email Address: generalconference@ecpr.eu
The European Political Science Association was founded in 2010, to pursue the following objectives:
- To provide a professional association for academic political scientists whose membership is based on individual subscriptions.
- To represent and promote political science in Europe.
- To foster development in postgraduate training of political scientists in Europe.
- To promote undergraduate teaching of political scientists in Europe.
- To facilitate networking by political scientists worldwide.
- To host an annual general conference of political scientists, with the first held in June 2011 in Dublin (at the Guinness Storehouse Conference Centre), and subsequent conferences held in major cities across Europe, including Berlin, Barcelona, Edinburgh, Vienna and Milan.
- To publish a general journal of political science that will have a profile, impact, and structure on a par with top general political science journals in the United States. The first edition of the EPSA journal, Political Science Research and Methods, was launched in 2013.
Journal: Political Science Research and Methods
Email Address: info@epsanet.org
IPSA was founded in Paris in 1949 under the aegis of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO).
The special mandate of IPSA, expressed in its Constitution, is to support the development of political science in all parts of the world, building academic networks linking East and West, North and South. Its aim is to create an inclusive and global political science community in which all can participate. It seeks to promote collaboration between scholars in emerging and established democracies and to support the academic freedoms needed for the social sciences to flourish.
The activities and policies of IPSA reflect its global mission. It has been highly successful in the encouragement of national and regional political science associations and today there are over 61 such associations affiliated with IPSA. IPSA has maintained its links with the United Nations and has supported the development of other international and regional political science organizations.
IPSA World Congresses of Political Science are now held every second year, moving between continents. The participation of scholars from less developed countries is supported through travel grants and the Global South Solidarity Fund. IPSA’s research committees offer opportunities for political scientists working in particular sub-fields of the discipline to associate with colleagues from around the world. Organizing events between World Congresses and playing a major role in these Congresses, the research committees encourage the world-wide pooling of skills and resources by working both together and in conjunction with specialist sub-groups of national associations.
IPSA publications, including the lead journal International Political Science Review, the International Political Science Abstracts, Participation, and the IPSA Portal, also seek to meet the needs of political scientists in different parts of the world. As part of IPSA’s global mission to support and promote political science, it now conducts summer schools in research methods across the globe, for example, in South America and South Africa.
IPSA strives to ensure balanced representation in terms of region, gender and stage of career in all its activities – for example, the creation of a new research committee must be supported by political scientists from at least seven different countries and two continents. Conference panels and roundtables are expected to display similar diversity, with representation from more than one continent and at least four countries.
By linking scholars from North and South as well as East and West, IPSA seeks to strengthen the networks that underpin a global political science community. Such linkages put political science in a stronger position to contribute to the quality of public deliberation and decision-making as well as to the understanding of an increasingly interconnected political world. Ultimately, IPSA supports the role of political science in empowering men and women to participate more effectively in political life, whether within or beyond the states in which they live.
Journals: International Political Science Review; International Political Science Abstracts
Email Address: info@ipsa.org
The International Studies Association is one of the oldest interdisciplinary associations dedicated to understanding international, transnational and global affairs. Founded in 1959, its more than 7,000 members span the globe – comprising academics, practitioners, policy experts, private sector workers and independent researchers, among others. The Association has long served as a central hub for the exchange of ideas and for networking and programmatic initiatives among those involved in the study, teaching and practice of International Studies.
Through its highly attended Annual Convention and regional/international conferences, as well as its respected journals and the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies, the Association promotes rigorous discussion, research and writing on a broad range of topics within International Studies, broadly construed. ISA also offers various funding, bridging and mentoring opportunities that facilitate the development of new ideas, relationships and skillsets. These opportunities provide a space for underrepresented groups, early career scholars and other professionals to grow in the field.
As an Association dedicated to posing and answering questions regarding some of the most pressing issues of our time, ISA is composed of a variety of Sections, Caucuses and Regions that seek to facilitate their members’ analysis of, and engagement with, the world of international, transnational and global affairs writ large.
Journals: Foreign Policy Analysis; Global Studies Quarterly; International Political Sociology; International Studies Perspectives; International Studies Quarterly; International Studies Review; Journal of Global Security Studies
The Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO), created in 1957, is an international, regional, autonomous, academic and plural organization, made up of 18 Member States, to promote teaching and research in the field of Social Sciences. It develops academic activities in 13 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Originally, FLACSO was developed only in Chile (1957-1974). Starting in 1974, its geographical expansion began, which is currently expressed in the seven Campuses (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala and Mexico) and six Academic Programs (Cuba, El Salvador, Honduras, the Dominican Republic, Paraguay and Uruguay).
FLACSO has made an important contribution to the development of Social Sciences in Latin America and the Caribbean. It has trained around 17,000 specialists, teachers and academics throughout its history.
Since its inception it has been conceived as an autonomous regional space for the production of new knowledge; as a meeting point, dialogue and cooperation between academia and the world of public policies and as a privileged space for the contribution to Latin American and Caribbean integration and development.
Email Address: info@flacso.org
The Latin American Association of Political Science (ALACIP) is an international non-profit scientific organization, made up of academics, researchers and professionals, aimed at promoting the development of Political Science studies in Latin America and the Caribbean. In order to fulfill its functions, the Association will take into account the activities carried out in the discipline at the international, regional and subregional level, in order to promote collaboration and avoid duplication of efforts. The official languages of the ALACIP are Spanish and Portuguese.
Email Address: contato@alacip.org
The Nordic Political Science Association (NoPSA) is the Nordic extension of the national associations of political science in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.
NoPSA sets out to promote political science as a discipline and professional co-operation among political scientists in the Nordic countries.
To this end NoPSA shall:
- take responsibility for the publication of a common journal, Scandinavian Political Studies (SPS);
- organize Nordic congresses and workshops;
- promote the establishment of common project groups, particularly within the field of Nordic comparative research; and
- coordinate Nordic co-operation within the framework of international professional organizations, particularly the International Political Science Association (IPSA) and the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR).
Email Address: nopsa@nopsa.net
As a scientific and academic entity, the SAAP organizes, privileges and has as main objectives the following:
- Contribute to the greater dissemination and development of Political Science and related disciplines in the scientific, academic, teaching and research fields, in order to improve their methods, techniques and results.
- Establish cooperative relations with Universities, Postgraduates, Faculties and Departments – both public and private – as well as with Research Centers and Associations related and related to the field of political analysis, political theory and areas of scientific studies that specialize in those related to Political Science, both in our country and abroad.
- Promote and develop the instruments and mechanisms suitable for the exchange of information, documentation and research in the area of Political Science at the national and international level.
- Organize biannually the National Congresses of Political Science and the Meetings of Authorities of undergraduate and postgraduate careers of public and private universities of Political Science and related subjects throughout the country.
- Provide academic information through the biweekly Electronic Bulletin and edit the SAAP Journal.
- Represent the scientific community linked to the discipline before the International Political Science Association (IPSA)
To ensure compliance with these objectives, the members of the Association elect a Board of Directors in periodic elections, the last one was held in July 2014. The Presidency of the SAAP has been held by Oscar Oszlak (1983-1992), Edgardo Catterberg (1992-1993), Arturo Fernández (1993-1995 and 2000-2008), Eugenio Kvaternik (1995-2000), Miguel De Luca (2008-2011 and 2011-2014). Since August 2014 the president is Martín D’Alessandro.
The Australian Political Studies Association (APSA) is the professional association for those teaching and researching in Politics and International Relations in Australia and is dedicated to promoting and facilitating work in the discipline.
APSA’s activities include an annual conference which attracts national and international experts, and provides a forum for Early Career Researchers and postgraduate students in the field. In addition, APSA has conference exchange agreements with the UK’s Political Studies Association, the New Zealand Political Studies Association, the Canadian Political Science Association, the Indian Political Science Association and the Pacific Islands Political Science Association.
APSA also publishes the Australian Journal of Political Science (AJPS), distributes a regular newsletter to members, sponsors workshops organised by members and makes a number of prizes and awards each year. The association also liaises with government bodies and learned academics on matters of concern to the discipline.
APSA has an active Women’s Caucus, a Postgraduate Student Caucus, a Standing Committee on International Relations (SCIR) and the First Peoples’ Politics Forum, which have representation on the association’s Executive Committee. APSA is also open to the formation of Specialist Groups that can assist members to network and cooperate in their sub-fields of political science. The currently active groups include an Environmental Politics and Policy Research Group, a Policy Studies Research Group, a Teaching and Learning Group, a Political Organizations and Participation Group, a Quantitative Methods Research Group, and a Political Theory Research Group.
APSA is also a member of the International Political Studies Association (IPSA).
Journal: Australian Journal of Political Science
Email Address: arts-ssps-apsa@unimelb.edu.au
Founded in 1970, the Austrian Political Science Association consists of approximately 500 members from various fields of work related to politics and political science. Amongst them are students, graduates and faculty members from various universities, social scientists from universities and other institutions.
AuPSA is a member of the Federation of Austrian Scientific Societies (VWGÖ), of the Central European Political Science Association (CEPSA), and the European Confederation of Political Science Associations (ECPSA).
Aims of AuPSA:
- Fostering political science research in Austria
- Serving as a point of focus for Austrian political scientists, advocating their interests
- Advancing the internationalisation of Austrian political science
Fields of Activity:
- Publishing the Quarterly Austrian Journal of Political Science which is listed in the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI)
- Organizing conventions and conferences, round tables and lectures
- At present AUPSA has six subsections, doing research on contemporary topics of political science: Politik und Verwaltung / Vergangenheitspolitik / European Studies / International Studies / Political Leadership / Visual Studies / Politikdidaktik / Religion und Politik
- Members receive on a regular basis information about political science and research in Austria, news relating to relevant topics and the latest about conventions and conferences
ABCP is a non-profit civil society, nationwide, with the objective of exchanging ideas, discussing problems, maintaining a high standard of professional ethics, and defending the common interests of Political Science.
Founded in 1986, the Brazilian Association of Political Science is a non-profit organization that brings together hundreds of academics – researchers, professors and students – and professionals in the area of Political Science and other related companies.
Throughout its history, ABCP has been involved, through the direct action of its associates, in the construction of the memory of Brazilian Political Science. In the last 30 years, the association has promoted partnerships with several national and international foundations, research institutes, funding agencies, universities, and other public and private entities, whose material, inmaterial and human resources were of vital importance for the creation of hundreds of academic events and other initiatives, which eventually promoted the expansion of the area through graduate programs and, more recently, bachelor’s degrees in Political Science and International Relations.
Since 1996, ABCP has held biennial congresses, the so-called “Meetings”, aimed at the circulation of scientific production, the promotion of knowledge and the debate of issues involving the various thematic areas of national and world Political Science. Since 2009, it has also helped and contributed directly to the organization of the Brazilian Graduate Forum in Political Science, an autonomous initiative of students in the area to increase the scope of discussions at the graduate level.
In this sense, ABCP brings together a significant portion of intellectuals and researchers, who produce not only the most significant for the area of Political Science in the country, but who constantly ensure the maintenance of a high ethical and professional standard, brazilian political institutions and, mainly, democracy.
The association also maintains the most important scientific publication in its area in Brazil, the Brazilian Political Science Review, an electronic journal published since 2007 and available on the SciELO platform.
Among ABCP’s most recent initiatives are financial aid to the participation of doctoral students in congresses of foreign associations, the opening to the associate category at the undergraduate level, and the production of smaller events aimed at the local creation of seminars, courses and specific learning schools.
Journal: Brazilian Political Science Review
Email Address: abcp@cienciapolitica.org.br
The Bulgarian Association of Political Science was established in the mid-1970s as the first and only professional organization of lecturers and researchers in this field. Its members are also colleagues from international relations and European studies.
The objectives of BAPS are in five key directions:
- To be the professional face of the political community in the country, working to establish a strong, recognizable and respected academic guild.
- To publish the journal “Political Studies” as the most authoritative Bulgarian political science journal, which presents to the academic public the main results of research in both classical and innovative fields of political science and related interdisciplinary fields.
- To be a tribune of political research by organizing a regular conference of BAPS, as well as other significant scientific forums – international and national conferences, debates, round tables.
- To contribute to the professional growth of young political scientists; to develop productive intergenerational contacts between established and young researchers.
- To develop international activities in three key directions:
- To restore and activate IPSA membership;
- To contribute to the development of regional cooperation within the Balkan Political Science Association, co-founded by the Bulgarian Political Science Association;
- To develop contacts with other political science associations.
Email Address: politicheski.izsledvania@gmail.com
The Chilean Association of Political Science is a trade union organization that ensures the autonomous and free exercise of discipline, respect for the Association and its members, and the suitability and professional ethics of its associates.
Our goal is to promote the dissemination and cultivation of Political Science in Chile as an autonomous and scientific discipline.
The Chilean Association of Political Science tends to the professionalization of the discipline in Chile, encouraging research, contributing to publicize the new currents and schools of thought that originate in other latitudes, and disseminating the national political work. In this sense, the activity of the Association aims to influence, certainly indirectly, the constant updating of teaching programs, research activity and energizing the disciplinary field by connecting it with the main debates of contemporary political science.
Email Address: cienciapolitica@accp.cl
The Chinese Association of Political Science (CAPS) was founded in 1932 in Nanking, the capital of the Republic of China. Besides serving the academic community, it provided high-level advices to the government on its foreign and educational policy. The CAPS was one of the most well-established and influential academic organizations in China at the time. After the communist takeover on the mainland, CAPS was relaunched in Taiwan with its fourth annual congress in 1953. In 1970, the association introduced its flagship journal Chinese Political Science Review (CPSR). Since then CPSR has offered a privileged forum for local and international political scientists to share their latest studies. Currently, CAPS presents three core platforms for the community: the annual conference, the publication of CPSR and the official website at http://capstaipei.org.tw/.
Journal: Chinese Political Science Review
Email Address: capstaipei28@gmail.com
The Croatian Political Science Society was founded in 1966, and today it brings together individuals who promote political science in public life as scientists, teachers, public servants, publicists, journalists, politicians or otherwise.
HPD is an association of public interest for the Republic of Croatia, and sees its task in the development of political science, the improvement of political science research and their practical application for the purpose of fostering democracy.
Our activities are focused on organizing scientific symposia and conferences, and public forums. Particularly important are the Croatian political science talks.
HPD is a collective member of the international organization of political scientists and the international Political Science Association (IPSA) and the Central European Political Science Association (CEPSA).
By participating in international conferences and conferences, we present Croatian political science and contribute to the development of political science.
Email Address: hpd@politologija.hr
Czech Political Science Association (ČSPV) is a voluntary organization of scientific and teaching professionals in Political Science, International Relations and other related disciplines (Political Philosophy, Political Geography, Security Studies etc.). The students of such disciplines can be members of the Association.
As a scientific organization, it focuses on support and development of the Political Science as a discipline and and seeks for tighter sooperation with other disciplines of social science.
The Association holds a Congress every three years for presenting the results of the work of its members (last Congress was held in 2015); it participates also on organization of various conferences and seminars.
ČSPV is a member of Council of Scientific Societies of the Czech Republic.
ČSPV is a member of international organizations: IPSA (from 1964) and CEPSA (from 1994).
The Association publishes a peer-reviewed scientific journal Czech Political Science Review (politologická revue) which is co-financed by the Council of Scientific Societies of the Czech Republic.
Journal: POLITOLOGICKÁ REVUE (Czech Political Science Review)
Email Address: jakub.charvat@mup.cz
The Danish Society for Political Science (established 1960) is a focal point for the study of politics in Denmark. Similar societies exist in most countries, and these are united in the International Political Science Association (IPSA), just as there is a Nordic Political Science Association, NoPSA, of which the Society is a part in both cases.
Furthermore, there are organizations such as the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) and the European Conference of Political Science Associations (ECPSA) in which the company follows the work.
Email Address: michaelklitgaard@dps.aau.dk
The Dutch Political Science Association (NKWP) is the main platform for Political Scientists who are Dutch or reside in the Netherlands. The association organises a variety of events for political scientists, such as the annual Politicologenetmaal. In addition, it is responsible for publishing Acta Politica, in cooperation with Palgrave.
Journal: Acta Politica
Email Address: info@politicologie.nl
The aim of the Finnish Political Science Association (FPSA) is to promote political science and the public interest for political science in Finland. FPSA is also actively participating in international political science research. The most essential forms of activities of the FPSA are publishing and organizing lectures and discussions. The Early Scholars Network (ESN) is the Finnish Political Science Association’s platform that connects emerging political scientists from across Finland.
The association was founded in 1935, which makes it one of the oldest associations in its field. FPSA is a member of both the International Political Science Association IPSA and the Nordic Political Science Association NoPSA. The association is active in The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies and the Finnish Association for Scholarly Publishing. It’s also a member of the UN Association of Finland and UN Women.
The FPSA is the responsible publisher of the peer reviewed Politiikka journal and the Politiikasta website as well as the peer reviewed Pro et Contra book series.
Journal: Politiikka
Email Address: valtiotieteellinen.yhdistys@gmail.com
Created in 1949, the French Political Science Association aims to promote French research in political science by encouraging exchanges between specialists in political issues as well as relations between academics (teachers, researchers, etc.) and all those concerned by political analysis: political actors and decision-makers, journalists, leaders of “civil society”… It also has the task of defending the discipline both from the point of view of higher education and research and its dissemination in society.
The AFSP defends an open conception of political science by not privileging any approach, any school, any specific conception of politics. On the contrary, it is intended to be a meeting place, for scientific debates open to free discussions. In this perspective, the AFSP particularly wishes to develop relations between political scientists and members of other disciplines: economists, sociologists, lawyers, historians, anthropologists.
The main activity of the AFSP is the organization of scientific meetings. Thus, since its creation, it has organized nearly 1500 symposia, study days and seminars on topics that cover all areas of political studies: political sociology (electoral analysis, political parties, study of mobilizations, gender study, historical sociology…), political thought and theory, international relations and the study of cultural areas, administrative studies and analysis of public policies, European studies, methods of political science. Every two years, the AFSP Congress brings together nearly 1000 French and foreign political scientists and is a highlight for the discipline.
Journal: Revue française de science politique
Email Address: afsp@sciencespo.fr
The main objective of the association is the development of political science, and more particularly:
- the representation of political science in the French Community of Belgium;
- cooperation between universities and research centres;
- promoting the scientific and professional interests of teachers and researchers;
- coordination of access to public and private, Community, regional, federal, European and international resources likely to promote research and development of political science;
- the organization of working groups on topics of common interest and various scientific events such as seminars or symposia;
- the production and distribution of publications, including a contact bulletin for its members;
- the preparation and maintenance of a file of teachers and researchers in political science in the French Community of Belgium.
Journal: Politics of the Low Countries
Email Address: absp@uclouvain.be
Strongly influenced by the foundation of the International Political Science Association (IPSA) in Paris in 1949, the GPSA was established in February 1951. Over the past seventy years, the GPSA has evolved into one of the largest professional organizations for the study of political science in Europe. Starting with 40 members in the early 1950s, it currently counts more than 1,850 full members.
The mission of the GPSA, expressed in its constitution, is to strengthen the professional environment of political science in Germany and to promote high quality teaching and education about politics. In its activities, the GPSA promotes scholarly research and communication both on a national and international level. Its tasks include the organization of public events, the publication of major research findings of German political scientists, and the support of the work of early career scholars. The GPSA furthermore strives for a diversification of the profession, promoting the diversity of its members as well as gender equality in political science. The association cooperates with political and social science associations nationally and internationally.
Journal: Politische Vierteljahresschrift (PVS) / German Political Science Quarterly (GPSQ)
Email Address: buero@dvpw.de
HAPSc is a Scientific Nonprofit Civil Society Association. It has been established as one of the most important and most active scientific bodies in the country. It is a modern think tank of interdisciplinary approach, with scientists who come mainly from the fields of Political Science, Law, Economics, International Relations and the wider Social Sciences. HAPSc functions according to the principles of democracy, relying on and respecting the Greek Constitution and the Laws of the Greek State. Furthermore, HAPSc embraces the principles of the United Nations – as outlined in the UN Charter -, the European Convention of Human Rights, as well as those of International Humanitarian Law as a whole.
Briefly, the main goals of HAPSc include:√ the establishment of an Administrative and Political Chamber, and the support and guidance of young political scientists and students who are entering the labor market.√ encouraging the interdisciplinary approach and dialogue between Political Scientists, Economists, Legal, International and Social Scientists in Greece and abroad, for the production of policy proposals.√ reinforcing the role and presence of Greek politicians and related scientists in national and international decision-making centers.√ the lifelong education of Politicians and Social Scientists in general for the development of their knowledge and capabilities√ the strengthening of volunteering and contribution to Civil Society, mobilizing students and academics of the faculties of Political Science and related subjects, developing a wide range of scientific, research and voluntary activities.
Through its activities and in order to achieve its goals, HAPSc participates in International Organizations, international academic forums and the International Civil Society. Among else, HAPSc is:
- Member of the United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI)
- In Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC)
- Associated with the United Nations Department of Global Communications (UN DGC)
- Member of the International Political Science Association (IPSA)
- Partner organization in the “Geneva Peace Week” annual international forum Geneva Peace Week.
Email Address: sec@hapsc.org
Since its establishment in 1982, MPTT has been bringing together a community of Hungarian political science practitioners and those interested in the field of science in the form of a civil association. It provides a forum for discussing scientific achievements, helps to socialize new generations of researchers, strengthens the international embeddedness and professional standards of domestic political science, creates the possibility of regular dialogue for the staff of various university and academic workshops, and conveys news and information to members.
Email Address: info@mptt.hu
Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) was established in the year of 1969 by the Government of India to promote research in social sciences in the country. The Council aims to:
- Review the progress of social science research and give advice to its users;
- Sponsor social science research programmes and projects and administer grants to institutions and individuals for research in social sciences;
- Institute and administer scholarships and fellowships for research in social sciences;
- Indicate areas in which social science research is to be promoted and adopt special measures for development of research in neglected or new areas;
- Give financial support to institutions, associations, and journals engaged in social science research;
- Arrange for technical training in research methodology and to provide guidance for research;
- Co-ordinate research activities and encourage progrmmes for interdisciplinary research;
- Develop and support centers for documentation services and supply of data;
- Organize, sponsor, and finance seminars, workshops and study groups;
- Undertake publication and assist publication of journals and books in social sciences;
- Advise the Government of India on all matters pertaining to social science research as may be referred to it from time to time; and take such measures generally as may be necessary from time to time to promote social science research and its utilization.
Israel Political Science Association deals with all research areas relating to the study of politics, including political science, government, public policy, public administration and international relations.
ISPSA’s goals are:
- To improve the quality of research and teaching, and professionally develop the discipline.
- To encourage research and discussion about politics in Israel and promote the field’s contribution to the Israeli society and political system.
- To pursue the implementation of professional ethics by researchers and professors in the field.
- To develop the field, including through scientific meetings and conferences, by sending representatives to meetings and scientific conferences, establishing contacts with institutes and scientists abroad, publishing books and journals in the field, online communication activities, translating professional terminology and raising research funds.
- To promote young lecturers and researchers in the field.
Email Address: ispsa.mail@gmail.com
In the spring of 1973, the Italian Section of Political Science was established within the Italian Association of Political and Social Sciences. The Italian Political Science Association is a non-profit cultural association that aims to promote the development of political science in Italy, the exchange and collaboration of scholars of the discipline in Italy and abroad as well as the coordination of institutional structures for teaching and research.
Journals: Italian Political Science Review; Italian Political Science
Email Address: segreteria@sisp.it
Japanese Political Science Association was established in November, 1948, in Tokyo, “in view of the removal of the political regime which had restricted the freedom of political studies, and seeing the advancement of the new regime which aims at the realization of eternal peace and the building of a cultural state”. The original purpose of the association was “to consolidate a new national association of political scientists in general, acting in concert with the national associations of other academic fields”. The first president was Shigeru Nanbara. Since then, our association has been the center of political studies in Japan. The present membership is around 1,800.
Journal: Japanese Political Science Review
Email Address: jpsa-office@jpsa-web.org
The Korean Political Science Association is a purely academic organization established to promote academic activities in related academic fields such as political science, sociology, and public administration. In order to achieve this purpose, the Society has focused on research, academic conferences, workshops, and publication activities, and has promoted exchanges and cooperation with domestic and foreign organizations that share the purpose of this Association. Through these activities, the Society contributes to the development of the nation and society, as well as the welfare of mankind and the promotion of world peace.
Since its establishment on October 18, 1953, the Society has grown to become the largest purely academic organization in Korea, with more than 2,600 members including professors, scholars, universities, and research institutes at home and abroad as of 2022 (as of 2022, there are 2,258 full members, 310 associate members, and 25 institutional members at universities and research institutes). In January 1995, with the approval of the opposition political party, the association was registered as a corporation in the National Assembly, and its status increased significantly both internally and externally. As the National Assembly is the central organ of the state that represents the will of the people, it has secured not only the independence of the society but also greater public confidence in its external activities.
Journal: Korean Political Science Review
Email Address: kpsa@kpsa.or.kr
AMECIP, is an association for the promotion and academic development, which integrates professionals and researchers dedicated and specialists in Political Science, who constitute collaborative networks in the medium and long term for the benefit of academic research, teaching and training, the production of instruments that facilitate the decision-making of officials and politicians, the generation of spaces for reflection and dialogue to influence the dynamics of government.
For the development of its activities, it is integrated into a National Board, represented by our president Dr. Jesús Tovar Mendoza, to which is added the work of a vice president and fifteen secretariats, whose holders are academic-researchers recognized nationally and internationally, from different universities and research centers in the country.
Email Address: javier.romero@amecip.com
For a number of years the NZPSA was an affiliate of the Australasian Political Studies Association (APSA). This affiliation gave the NZPSA the right to elect a member to the APSA executive and led to the joint holding of the NZPSA and APSA Conferences at the University of Canterbury in 1999 and at the University of Otago in 2005. When the APSA AGM voted in 2007 to transform itself into the Australian Political Studies Association this affiliation came to a end, although links with APSA have been maintained and are currently being strengthened. We continue to provide members’ rates at each other’s conferences and reciprocal postgraduate awards for conference attendance
Journals: Political Science; Women Talking Politics
Email Address: admin@nzpsa.co.nz
The Philippine Political Science Association (PPSA) is a non-partisan, and non-sectarian organization of academic professionals founded in 1962 to promote and support the discipline of Political Science as well as maintain and encourage contacts with similar professional or scholarly organizations in the interest of mutual enlightenment. The PPSA seeks to bring together political scientists from all as well as similar fields of inquiry and practice both within and outside the academic setting in order to expand awareness and understanding of the politics of Asia and the study of all issues in the field of Political Science by Filipino political scientists.
The PPSA publishes the Philippine Political Science Journal (PPSJ), an International Scientific Index (ISI)-accredited journal. The journal is devoted mainly to Philippine political issues and concerns and serves the interests of academics and practitioners in the field alike.
The PPSA also conducts its annual National Conferences dealing with different themes that are relevant to the teaching and practice of politics. These conferences have become a venue for young scholars to present their works in progress, as well as for established academics to update educators throughout the country and abroad.
The PPSA also undertakes Outreach Programs in order to disseminate relevant, novel, as well as current teaching materials and methods both to its general membership outside of Metro Manila and to other concerned educators and scholars. In 1998, the Association developed the Politics and Governance Workbook, an important pedagogical resource for teachers of undergraduate courses dealing with Philippine government and politics. The Workbook was developed with support from the Philippine Social Science Council and the Commission on Higher Education.
The PPSA became a member of the International Political Science Association (IPSA) in 1978 and is presently a regular member of the Philippine Social Science Council (PSSC).
Journal: Philippine Political Science Journal
Email Address: secretariat.ppsa@gmail.com
Polish Political Science Association (PPSA) was established in 1957, but Poland is a member of International Political Science Association (IPSA) since 1950. PPSA is the only one association grouping the political scientists in the country.
PPSA has 18 branches in Polish cities and within the association functions 10 research sections. PPSA co-publishes two periodicals which have an acknowledged scientific reputation: quarterly Athenaeum. Polish Political Science Studies (two issues in English in a year), and Polish Political Science Yearbook which became a quarterly journal and is a leading peer-reviewed Central European journal of political science, international relations, public policy and security studies, being published since 1967.
PPSA every year organises theoretical and methodological workshops as well as awards a prize for the best PhD thesis in political science.
Journals: Athenaeum: Polish Political Science Studies; Polish Political Science
Email Address: office@ptnp.org.pl
Since 1950, the objectives of our Association have been ‘to promote the development of political studies and to encourage education and the advancement of learning in the art and science of government and in other branches of the political sciences’. From democracy to dictatorship and local councils to international organisations, Political Studies examines how power is obtained, kept, lost, mobilised, divided, used and abused. It asks who gains and who loses from these processes and why. Politics is studied in theory and in practice, often using scientific methods.
Journals: Political Studies; Politics; Political Studies Review; British Journal of Politics and International Relations
Email Address: info@psa.ac.uk
The Political Studies Association of Ireland was established in 1982 with the purpose of promoting the study of politics both in and of Ireland. It adopted a constitution and a formal structure in 1984, when it also began organising an annual conference.
The PSAI also produces a number of publications – a series of guides to Irish election results and (in association with Routledge) the standard textbook, Politics in the Republic of Ireland, edited by John Coakley and Michael Gallagher (currently in its fifth edition).
Our peer-reviewed journal Irish Political Studies is published 4 times a year, including a Data Yearbook issue (which provides comprehensive data on politics, elections and public opinion over the previous year). Founded in 1986, Irish Political Studies has served a crucial constituency of academics, students, journalists and political practitioners. It is the fundamental resource for any serious study of contemporary Ireland, and has contributed significantly to a greater understanding of Irish political science and history, and has helped to place Irish politics in a broader comparative perspective.
Journal: Irish Political Studies
Email Address: psaicontactpage@gmail.com
The APCP aims to contribute to the autonomy and the development of Political Science and International Relations in Portugal. In order to achieve this objective, the Association promotes research in these disciplines, helps to disseminate its results and aims to build networks between national and international research centers. The APCP also supports the teaching of Political Science and International Relations in Universities (at graduate and postgraduate level) and at secondary level. The Association’s main activity is the biennial Congress.
Email Address: info@apcp.pt
The Romanian Academic Society (RAS) is the longest-standing think tank in Romania. Established in 1996 as an academic association of reputable figures, throughout the years it has operated as a public policy research institute, a leading force in the promotion of good governance, a consultant of the Romanian Government and of other governments, a long-haul partner during the transition and state reform processes for the United Nations, the World Bank, the European Union, pre- and post-accession. Throughout the years, we have had partners who supported our ideas, activism and research projects.
SAR’s most resounding successes, from the Law of Free Access to Information to the enforcement of the flat tax, were all self-funded. The Coalition for a Clean Parliament was a voluntary project. Our good governance activities have been undertaken voluntarily for several years now and they are run through the Alliance for a Clean Romania. Such action is indispensable on the Romanian scene, where collective action is still deficient, despite the fact that it forms the basis of every realistic option for change.
Aside from its involvement in good governance coalitions,the RAS mission reflects all those things left unfinished after 20 years of efforts and numerous successes. Namely, RAS aims to create an evidence based policy-making framework by:
- providing public policy training for young experts in the state, profit and non-profit sectors, for civil servants, for political figures and for the academia, via informed debates, public policy analysis seminars organized in cooperation with our international partners, as well as original research projects;
- promoting realistic, democratic-consultation-based solutions to public policy issues in public forums;
- contributing to good governance and development through our policy research;
- contributing to the European integration of Romania, Western Balkan countries and Moldova through transfer of best practices and advocacy;
- enhancing the contribution of independent policy institutes to the process of policy formulation through advocacy and public debate;
- contributing to the (re)building of the applied social sciences and public policy fields in Romania and South-Eastern Europe, after fifty years of communism.
RAS does not promote a certain ideology. We believe that evidence based policy-making is non-ideologic, although we believe it cannot function without such values as individualism, the observance of human rights and social solidarity. RAS is an open institution for all those who meet our academic standards, based on a network of over one hundred experts hailing from Romania and international academic institutions.
Journal: Romanian Journal of Political Science
Email Address: office@sar.org.ro
SAAPS is dedicated to the promotion of the discipline of Political Studies in South Africa and the African continent.
To achieve this the association aims to:
- Support the development of South African scholars and teachers in a demographically balanced manner;
- Develop and implement a sustainable research agenda;
- Establish regional and global linkages with similar associations;
In order to effect these objectives, SAAPS shall strive to:
- Maintain the academic excellence of its journal, Politikon;
- Undertake regular marketing and membership drives, with a special emphasis on the recruitment of emerging and student scholars;
- Enable members to participate in conferences and other activities by rotating these events between different academic institutions; and
- Recognise outstanding contributions to the discipline and the association by way of special awards.
Journal: Politikon
The Spanish Association of Political Science and Administration (AECPA) was founded in 1993 in accordance with the implementation and development of political science studies in Spain.
The main purpose of the AECPA is to promote the development of political science and administration science, encourage its research and promote scientific and professional cooperation between researchers, teachers and specialists in the field, from a commitment to democracy and human rights. Likewise, it is the object of the association to disseminate Spanish scientific-political activities abroad and maintain relations with other entities of similar purposes of national or international character.
To this end we have created this website, which aims to publicize the specific activities of the association and its operation, collect information about the congresses it organizes, as well as offer some useful links that political science has on the internet.
Journal: Spanish Journal of Political Science
Email Address: info@aecpa.es