Before the Conference

  • Use the online conference program to review the schedule and lineup for your session.
  • Download the papers for your session from the online conference program.
    • Papers that have been uploaded for the conference are accessible through the online conference program. Follow the steps listed here to access and download papers from your sessions. If your session does not have a download button available when logged in, the author(s) have not yet uploaded their research to the session.
    • Please note that you will only be able to download papers if the author has uploaded them. If you find that papers have not been uploaded for your session, please contact the authors directly via email and request that they send you their papers. You can locate the email address of an author by logging in to the online conference program, navigating to your session, and clicking on the name of an individual author. Email addresses will not be visible if you are not logged in.
  1. Read the papers carefully. Take the time to understand the main points and identify areas that merit remarks during the session, such as original contributions or areas that may require further development or revision.
  2. If the session has two discussants and four or more papers, communicate with the other discussant about splitting up the papers so each paper receives feedback from one discussant.

The Day of the Session

  1. If you are participating in-person, arrive at the conference room at least 10 minutes before the start of your session. If you are participating virtually, plan to log in to the conference platform early and navigate to your session. Be ready to enter the virtual Zoom meeting room when it opens. As a reminder, all sessions are being recorded.
  2. When it is your turn to provide feedback after the paper presentations have concluded:
    • Stand at the podium at the red “X” on the floor.
    • Project your voice, and never have your back to the camera/rotating mic in the room to ensure virtual attendees can hear you.
    • Speak clearly and look to the session chair for presentation timing cues.
    • Be aware of your time limits. Try to devote the same amount of time for feedback to each paper.
  3. The Chair of the session will:
    • Follow the order and timing listed for the session in the conference app or the print program to allow time for all presentations.
    • Introduce the session and all speakers (both virtual and in-person). Inform virtual audience members of the chat feature in Zoom if they would like to submit questions. Alert everyone that the Zoom meeting room will close abruptly for virtual attendees at the scheduled end time, so it is crucial that sessions do not run over the time allotment.
    • Instruct presenters and discussants to go to the podium and stand at the red “X’ on the floor to share comments.
    • If a presenter is virtual, turn the laptop around so they may view the audience.
    • Ensure that all presenters use the Share Screen feature in Zoom while they are presenting. Help the speakers keep their presentations within the allotted time and signal the amount of time remaining toward the end of their presentations.
    • When presentations have concluded and discussants have given their comments, return to the laptop at the podium and monitor the Zoom chat for questions or comments submitted by virtual audience members. Chairs should repeat any questions from the audience so people attending virtually can hear what is being asked.
    • Chairs should also provide a two-minute warning prior to the scheduled session end time to allow participants the time to complete their remarks before the session concludes.

General Tips on Preparing Feedback

  1. Avoid summarizing the paper in its entirety; instead, summarize what you took to be the most important points in each paper. As you evaluate a paper, ask yourself such questions as: ‘Does the paper make an original contribution to the area of study?’; ‘Are there any specific areas of strength, or areas of opportunity for further development?’; ‘Are there specific ways that the argument, methods, or analysis could be improved?’.
  2. If possible, try to draw connections between the paper and theme of the session. If the paper complements, challenges, or informs other papers in the session, point out these connections.
  3. Situate the paper within the extant scholarly literature on this topic. Where does this paper fit in relation to the current research, or within the subfield as a whole?

If you are participating virtually, you can view the virtual conference instructions here.

Looking for additional resources for the conference and/or your visit to Chicago?

View Author GuidelinesChair Guidelines, Lightning Talk Guidelines and FAQsPoster Guidelines and FAQsInstructions for Virtual Attendees, and Tips for Using Zoom.

View Travel ResourcesOnsite DetailsA/V Details and Tech Support information, Local Dining options, Family Resources, and Health and Emergency Services locations and contact information. A Conference Guide can be found here.